
As I write, wildfires are bearing down on the homes of my family members in the suburbs of Portland, Oregon. Of course I ask myself, What does it mean? And what should I do? I’m not willing to assign judgment to a particular cause or provocation, however. We evangelicals have played that game long enough, and it comes dangerously close to gloating over someone else’s disaster. I suggest that a bit of reverent silence is in order. I’m a sinner, too. I know a few things we can do in this unbelievable time. Love our neighbor better. Humble ourselves before

My Experience With Racism

My experience with racism is embarrassing, because I was the perpetrator. I was about eight years old. Just a kid growing up in the Midwest in the early 1970s. My dad had invited a Black man and his family to dinner at our home in Ann Arbor, Michigan. He served with this man in Vietnam, and that’s all I know. This gentleman came to our house with his wife and two girls. Today, I wonder what was going through his mind. That was a risky venture for sure. White people so often blow past all of the sensitivities, focused instead

Jesus Wept

As I write these words, the latest video has emerged of police putting a white hood on an obviously mentally ill, handcuffed, naked, and unarmed black man, then shoving his face into the asphalt as he suffocates to the point of unconsciousness. I apologize if these words provoke additional trauma. Those who have seen the video will recognize that mine is an abbreviated account; I left out several ugly details. These events happened on March 23 in Rochester, New York. Daniel Prude, a human being, died seven days later. Let me stop for a moment and identify myself. I am

Hello. My Name Is Julie Lyons.

To those who don’t know me, I am a Dallas-based writer and editor. I worked as a professional journalist for more than 30 years, serving as editor of the weekly Dallas Observer for 12 years. I also love Jesus Christ. Faith has tugged at me throughout my professional life, and that is reflected in my years of service in Christian ministry in various capacities. At one point, I was a licensed evangelist in the Church of God in Christ. As you might be able to tell from my former denomination, I am a Christian from the Pentecostal-charismatic branch of the

The Big Fat Disclaimer

This blog represents the views of Julie Lyons. Though I will feature occasional collaborators, that doesn’t mean they agree with everything I write and speak. Though I will link to other writers and bloggers, the same holds true. It’s possible they will disagree with every point I make. I have asked several people of diverse ethnicities and Christian backgrounds to serve as “mirrors” for me as I write, particularly about faith matters. They have suggested numerous changes, which I take to heart. The words posted in this blog under my name, however, are my responsibility and no one else’s. When